Thursday, August 19, 2010

Picarbocker House = Land of Poo

Sorry, no picture today - but trust me - you don't want one.  In fact, if you have a weak stomach (or just don't think poo is funny) - just skip this post.

For the strong:
After waking up and coming downstairs this morning, a huge whiff of cleaning product hit my nose. Karl was scouring the bathroom mats...  6am seemed an odd time for this task.  He was so grossed out he couldn't even speak.  Turns out, Sterling had a bit of a stomach ache last night.  When we didn't let him out.... you honestly don't want to know.  I should have known to stay home all day after that morning, but did I?  NO!  How can it get worse you ask?  Oh it gets worse...

After Kasen woke from her morning nap, we headed to Bellevue (the town nearby where I taught) to visit my old school and help a friend.  Kasen took a nice nap in her car seat, then woke and played with a toy (important to note she was still in her car seat).  After being in it for about 2 hrs, I pulled her out to change her before we left.  I immediately noticed she felt wet underneath.  I then noticed the blow-out. 

Every parent has learned to react to this term with fear and every non-parent - well let's face it - anyone knows the words "blow-out" plus "baby" is bad.  Definitely not something you need further description on.  It IS bad.  Trust me. 

I get her cleaned up (yes top and pants destroyed), everything in plastic bags and go grab her car seat.  Can you see where this is going?  Funny because I was totally shocked.  I assumed her seat would be wet so I wiped it down (good thinking Mom!) and figured I'd just put a blanket under her for the ride.  You know, so she isn't sitting in pee...

Worst part of my day? After moving car seat and getting her strapped in, I noticed something. A huge puddle on the tile. Where the car seat had been.  Seriously?!?! I have heard of dogs having accidents where mom has to wipe down the floor, but a kid? IN A CAR SEAT?

After thinking about it, I have found my silver lining... at least car seats have holes. Could have taken me a LONG time (or a good hot day) to discover that bit of Picarbocker fun.

1 comment:

  1. lol..was that your first 'blow-out'? Be prepared for many more..good times!
