Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Baby Swedish Chef

Since I have been working from home, I am now able to cook more.  It is not that we went out to eat a ton before we had the stinker, it is just "cooking" was a loosely applied term.  I mean boiling water is cooking right?  Anyway, since I have been trying to cook meals with multiple ingredients, I have had to keep Kasen occupied in the kitchen.  Sometimes that is by giving her an ingredient to snack on:

Turns out she is a big fan of red bell peppers... I mean OF COURSE - they are red which means everything they touch turns this lovely shade of pink.

Sometimes, the meal does not lend itself to ingredient tasting.  For these times, I give her some cooking stuff on the floor and hope she doesn't get bored.  Honestly, I don't know if she was pretending to cook or doing a FANTASTIC impersonation of the Swedish Chef. You be the judge.

I can't wait till she and Sterling can actually make us food down there.  Don't know how I'll feel about the dog hair though....

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