Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"But she's all wet.."

I know people love babies, but until I had one, I was unaware of how MUCH people like babies.  Add Kasen's cheeks, bottom teeth AND propensity to babble and smile at everyone - freaking magnet for baby lovers.  I have never seen people who looked so... normal, coo and kiss and baby talk so quickly.

Let's be clear - I love my baby.  So when people behave this way, I get it.  I mean I coo, kiss and baby talk like all the others, but I made her.  I see my husband's eyes on her, my grandmother's cheeks and maybe even my skin. 

I am not as strongly drawn to random babies (babies where I don't know their parents).  You know, the babies you see in your day to day life that you will probably never see again.  Even now after having one, I look out of curiosity - but I don't change my route to stop and say "hi".

Although, I don't believe I am completely missing this "baby love" gene, I just don't think it applies strongly to humans.  After all, put a puppy within a 100 ft of me and I WILL change my route to say "Hi".  I guess everyone has their baby weakness. 

When Kasen and I were back in Michigan, she got to meet my Aunt and Uncle (on my  dad's side) and my Uncle's spouse.  It appears my Uncle may have a similar opinion on babies as I do...  the quote "But she's all wet..." was his statement after saying he wanted to hold her.  He was completely correct - she WAS all wet from a night of drooling.  She won him over - you can't deny her...   Oh and don't worry, we draped her in a blanket, so no clothes were harmed for this picture. 

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