Kasen turned 2 months last week and to celebrate she got to go to the doctor - AWESOME huh? She started by acing the weight, length & head circumference "tests". Here are her scores:
Weight - 13lbs 13.5 oz (>95th percentile)
Height - 23 3/4 in. (90th percentile)
Head - 39 3/4 cm. (75th percentile)
Kasen is truly growing like a weed and the doctor thought she looked great. She has come a long way from our skinny 2 week old. They saved the best for last ... shots! Three to be exact - 2 in one thigh and 1 in the other. It taught me something - turns out I hold Kasen mainly around the thigh. It made for an interesting evening.
Besides growing BIG, Kasen has also started smiling and talking. The video below shows off both of these new skills. If she takes after her parents, the house will NEVER be silent.
So here is Kasen dressed in our favorite pjs:
I think her cheeks are in the 125% percentile!